Hi All,
I’m pleased to announce our brand new product: SWF2Go – A Professional SWF Packaging and Launching Toolkit aiming Flash Lite developers to ease and automate their development for Symbian S60 Platform.
Visit for official press release:
Products details:
Flash Lite community has grown tremendously in the past few years and lots of existing Flash-only companies are focusing on this mobile platform to take advantage of their Flash skill set. Development on the Symbian side has also been consistent for the new range of devices form Nokia and others – and it’s not easy to catch up with all the new features offered by the platform, especially when you are into developing something which tends to exploit them.
I congratulate Faisal for his untiring effort to implement the whole range of S60 Platform yet – and this is how it went: whenever he discovered a new feature or trick, he asked me: “it’s gonna take a day or two to implement… and if we include this in the release…” and it includes every bit and piece…from S60 SDK detection to command line processing for build automation…and you know the rest :).
I cannot forget the other team members, Najam and Khawar for their contribution, and certainly all the beta testers for their consistent support to shape the product for the release. Thank you all.
Happy programming!
// ch3ckmat3
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